Description: Interesting theme that I suggest if you have a large screen. Big widgets so you can see the weather from every point in your home:) Experimented a bit with the shapes, had fun of course.
Description: Playboy Black Edition is the evolution of the old theme. It is now mostly black and looks more cool. In time I might add a few more spicy details.
I have used very simple wallpaper. There is a tone of cool girly and playboy wallpapers out there if the included wallpaper won't do the trick :)
Description: This theme comes with 2 configurations. If you fed up on animated logo over wallpaper just switch to static one available from the theme wizard. Lot of hard work went on making some original looking widgets and style. Feedback is welcome. Enjoy!
Description: One ultra cool hacker style theme. Yes "falling code" animation looks similar to Matrix but that is not what I had in mind. Matrix was cool back in 1999 and 2000 and such themes was not possible then so some small tribute is ok I guess. Anyway I hope you will enjoy this theme.
I dunno who made the wallpaper - credits to the unknown author!
Description: Snow Leopard Theme - got nothing to do with Mac OS! I think I somewhere saw similar start button so in that way maybe not that original theme but everything else is fresh and ...well interesting.
Description: Call Of Duty (Black Ops) theme for Aston users. Awesome game really and a great theme to go along. Theme is packed with all kind of cool stuff. Personally I am not huge fan of military style (peaceful person in essence :))but this one I like. This theme includes: - All widget skins - Cool Animations - High quality graphics and more
Description: Anime (Manga) theme for Aston. I was really inspired by awesome wallpaper made by galaregan so I built entire theme around it. Theme is mixture of aero and grunge style and the result in my opinion is fantastic. All the widgets are skinned and the theme includes some really cool details. Special thanks and credits to wallpaper author galaregan.
Description: One day I installed Ubuntu, took screenshots and made this cool theme. 5 sub styles are available from the theme wizard. I got really excited while i was making this theme since it reminded me of making skins for Aston1( Top bar style and all the other stuff..) Theme is simple but very clean and elegant and I hope you will like it.
I encourage you to try to develop your on style based on this theme. I think it is pretty handy for using it as a starting template.