| Date: 06.11.2011
Name: Eazy
Rate: 8
| |
Very nice theme! Any chance for a smaller taskbar (height 30-35 or something)? Would suit better on my notebook :)
Have tried to edit and understand the xml-files, but I fail.
| Date: 06.14.2011
Name: nierewa
Rate: 10
| |
Another great theme. Thanks a lot!
| Date: 07.10.2011
Name: deadly
Rate: 9
| |
this is cool...,
pretty damn cooll.,
| Date: 07.29.2011
Name: laksh
Rate: 9
| |
wow......... its soooooo swt....
| Date: 09.04.2011
Name: younes
Rate: 10
| |
nice but make task download files easily
| Date: 09.25.2011
Name: محمد
Rate: 10
| |
its top
| Date: 10.22.2011
Rate: 10
| |
i love u
| Date: 01.30.2012
Name: محمد
Rate: 10
| |
| Date: 06.19.2012
Name: adni18
Rate: 10
| |
Fantastic theme mate! Congratulation!
Your comments |
* Indicates REQUIRED field.
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