Description: Made by Strength. My very first theme. It's based on the horde faction from the game World of Warcraft. This is for all the people that rolled on the winning side or for those that prefer this layout over their current one :) Created in a dual-widescreen environment.
Note: The huge shield on the wallpaper is treated as a shortcut for WoW.exe. That is, assuming you've installed it in the default directory. This element is deletable and editable, obviously.
Postscipt: Please give me lots of comments/constructive criticism as this is my first theme. It has been and - I'm sure - will continue to be a major learning experience.
Description: Made by Strength. My very first theme. It's based on the horde faction from the game World of Warcraft. This is for all the people that rolled on the winning side or for those that prefer this layout over their current one :) Created in a dual-widescreen environment.
Note: The huge shield on the wallpaper is treated as a shortcut for WoW.exe. That is, assuming you've installed it in the default directory. This element is deletable and editable, obviously.
Postscript: Please give me lots of comments/constructive criticism as this is my first theme. It has been and - I'm sure - will continue to be a major learning experience.
Description: Something I have been working in my free time. It should work fine on all resolutions. Larger screen shot here Plug-ins: Panel, aMonitor, RecycleBinEx, Net Traffic, Disks, Vista BTN and many cool stuff. Hope you'll like it. I plan to make a completely black version when I have more time.
Description: "MS Luna metallic"-like Theme. 95% of Win'XP users prefer that style. The Theme should sit well on any background.
Resolution: 1024x768. But larger ones (with centered wallpaper) look not too bad.
Wallpaper is made of a lithography by M. C. Escher (1898 - 1972).
Plugins: standard ones, A-monitor, A-Clock, DisksEx, RecycleBinEx, TaskAmp, LinksEx.
Panel plugin has narrow 1st level items that use icons instead labels. You can now create a lot of items. 6 ones would be enough for me but there was a dude asking for 15 ones.
Just assign the icons:
Setup plugin -> Panel Tree -> Click (...) button -> Right click on a folder -> Properties... ;)
"Skins" folder contains skin for WinAmp, a couple of plugins that I've skinned but don't use and TEMPLATE.PSD (if somebody would like to skin other plugins).
Description: The Aston Theme for 1024x786 and 1280x1024 resolution. With own animate cursors. The theme made for easy work. Recommend transparency for toolbars and Panels 7%.