Description: I hope that this the final version. I redone most of the plugins and looks better now I guess. --------------------------------------- Huge thanks to unknown author of the included wallpaper. Thanks again to Gladiators,Buch123, complete list of credits like in previous version [Link] Just would like to add Microsoft :) ------------------------------------------ Resolutions 1024x768 and 1280x1024 but I made a small instruction on how to make theme work great on any resolution you can get it HERE Hope it will help :) ------------------------- Have fun and enjoy!
Description: Theme for Underoath's newest album: Define The Great Line. Resolution: 1280x1024 (will add more res) several originally skinned plugins including AMonitor, AstAmp, and more!
Special thanks to MrBiotech for his support and for
Description: Fiore theme for Aston 1.92 or + --------------------------------------------- - Special thanks to sabie for allowing me to use his photo as a wallpaper check out how talented this author is [Link] - Huge thanks to nachtwandler for icons I used for some elements I recolorized some of the icons in order to fit the theme better [Link] you shuld check this genius home page [Link] - Also would like to thank to Rogert Gomez Ocano for helping me fixing some issues with desktop clock skin - Thanks to awesome Aston comunity - And to Gladiators for best shell you can get :) ------------------------------------------------ - Resolution : 1024x768 and 1280x1024 but can be used on almost any (just resize the wallpaper and move few things here and there) - Plugins : All except astamp and Aclock the desktop would be way too crowded :) ------------------------------------------------ Special note: - Make sure you are using the latest versions of plugins, (Diskex 1.1,Net Traffic 1.2 ...) also if you experience any bugs try disabeling some plugins I`ll update this theme if needed but should work fine :) Enjoy
Description: his is a Theme with multiline taskbar. The S.O.B. on the wallpaper is my dog, of course.
Resolution: anything from 1024x768 to 1600x1200, including exotic ones. Wallpaper is centered but the only .TFA file is customized for 1024x768. If you apply other resolution you'll have to align elements yourself.
You may also need to change fonts size if your screen resolution is too different from mine (I use 81 pixel per inch for correct preview in WORD). This is true for all my Themes. Desirable font size you can see at AstAmp Playlist header or at Search plugin skin.
If you prefer SkinClckEx with longer time format, change background skin to S-Clock-Tiled.BMP and set text color to 2040 (See preview).
There is TEMPLATE.PSD there. It seems I haven't forgotten anyhing... I hope you'll like it.