nice a theme in 1680er res thats rare here ^^ i will test ist thanks
(sry for my bad english)
Date:05.18.2009 Name:Jonathan Domerasky Rate:1
This is an ok theme. However it could have been much much better.
+1 for effort.
Date:05.18.2009 Name: Rate:
I welcome criticism, but it would be more productive and beneficial if critics gave reasons for criticism and/or suggestions to improve theme, rather than just say it could be better.
I appreciate people taking the time to comment. It aids in getting an idea for what people like and don't like. I am new to making themes, so I can use all the input I can get.
Date:05.18.2009 Name:PH3N0M3N Rate:7
if you could make this theme accesible for more resolutions it would be great. i need it for 1280x1024, but also other res are welcome.
Date:05.19.2009 Name:RoadWarrior00 Rate:
Thanks for commenting!
There are 2 other resolutions of this theme at my DeviantArt Gallery.
Link to 1280x1024 version:
Link to 1440x900 version:
Date:05.19.2009 Name:RoadWarrior00 Rate:
Please go to link below to get latest version of this theme.
i could not install the theme , didn't find the C:\Documents and Settings\YoURLOGINNAMEHERE\Application Data\Aston\Themes
Date:05.27.2009 Name:Sebastian Rate:10
It is possible to get a 1024x768 version of this very nice Style???
Thanks a lot, Sebi
Date:06.05.2009 Name:o Rate:10
Date:06.05.2009 Name:Scott Reynolds Rate:
THANKS!!! Glad you like it.
Date:06.06.2009 Name:jose Rate:
nathing works i reed the istruction on ridme and ican not find the the deam file that i have to copi and paste is frustating i goin crasy iwanto to explode
Date:06.07.2009 Name:Scott Reynolds Rate:
Sorry you are having problem jose.
After you unzip the downloaded .zip file, there is a Readme file, an Extra Desktop Icons folder, a Left Panel Icons folder and a file named "Black Reflection Redo-1680.atz".
You need to copy and paste the "Black Reflection Redo-1680.atz" file according to the directions in the Readme.
Hope that helps!
Date:08.03.2009 Name:subhash babu Rate:10
Date:08.04.2009 Name: Rate:
Glad you like it.
Date:01.04.2010 Name:Me Rate:
This is good its nice that people make these i dont know why someone says it could be better, i mean i couldnt make half as good as this is, Really nice work man