Description: Monsters, inc. : Aston Theme with AltDesk skin.
Screen resolutions: all.
Skinned plugins: Panel, Search, mDisks, A-Clock, TaskAmp, Vista Button and standard ones.
For resolutions above 1024x768 you'll have to resize Search plugin or apply the second instance of Panel's background.
PHOTO.BMP is an empty element looking like a part of 'My Documents' folder. Replace my portrait with yours. ;)
"Skins" folder contains .BOOTSKIN file. If you're using Windows XP you may replace the standard boot picture with this boot screen.
Install Stardock's freeware BootSkin utility ( ) . Then extract MONSTERS.BOOTSKIN , doubleclick it and enjoy ;)
There are also .PSD template and entire WinAmp skin in "Skins" folder.
******************************* Credits:
Thanks a lot to 'Monsters, inc.' movie authors for lovely characters.
I must also thank unknown author of the picture that I've used to make my bootscreen and wallpaper. *******************************
Happy New Year! :D
User comments
Date:12.27.2007 Name:Mad TV1! Rate:7
Ha Ha Ha Monsters inc. this is an old movie your theme look like it go on a windows 98 system not xp use a big! background next time
Date:12.27.2007 Name:LILI Rate:10
this is cute i love this movie i seen it 5 times and still love it thanks for this theme
Date:12.28.2007 Name:atst Rate:10
cute desktop :)
Date:01.09.2008 Name: Rate:10
Date:01.12.2008 Name:S. Lyashchevsky Rate:
=== to Mad TV1!: 1) "The Beautiful is never getting old!" ;) E.G. doll-animation movies by Vladislav Staryevitch are almost 100 years old but they're still REALLY amazing ones. Regardless on their age. 2) As for Win'98/XP: What do you talk about? Which element of the Theme's looks like Win'98 ? === to LILI: Glad to see another "Monsters" fan :) Thanks! But... your typing style is too similar to (Mad TV1!)'s one... ;) === to ALL: Thanks a lot for your comment and rate. === I beg everyone to use "human" English: with dots, commas and capital letters. People generally translate your comment from English. Therefore don't force them to decrypt your comment too, please. :) ===