Description: Discovered at rosewell is an alternative skin both in looks and in function : right bar is for favorites and left for folders.
User comments
Date:06.23.2003 Name:ASublimeDookie Rate:8
i dig the background
Date:08.23.2003 Name: Rate:
Where the hell is Rosewell? Is it anywhere near Roswell? leern two speech.
Date:07.06.2005 Name:Kulek Rate:7
Work only CPU and RAM.
Date:07.18.2005 Name:m.i Rate:1
So many people ask questions and nobody gives answer!!! where the hell the one that invent this stupid thing?
Date:07.26.2005 Name:kokos Rate:10
hi there.. i have made new skin for this plugin... in the concrete, i have made it fot universe metal theme... U do not have to change config, only replace icons;) and ... enjoy;)