Description: Altdesk skin to match my Prion theme for Astonshell & LiteStep.
User comments
Date:05.29.2004 Name: Rate:
Would just like to say that AltDesk is one of my all-time favorite proggies! Extreme simplicity and elegance in operation, very easily organizes and access programs/desktops without being overly complicated or under-descriptive either. My kudos the authors of Gladiators Software. Even if I didnt' get a designers key, I would have bought this!!!
Date:09.04.2004 Name: Rate:9
Hello Man, hey congratulations, your Aston Theme PrionAltdesk It is somewhat complex and very good... I congratulate to you!!
Date:06.11.2005 Name: Rate:10
Great work
Date:11.11.2005 Name: Rate:
hi i am faraz ali i am studing for class 12 i need yours full version of aston i will downlood