With nice interface, it gives your desktop a bit of love...
Date:04.12.2007 Name:shiykin Rate:
its cool...
Date:07.18.2007 Name:reem Rate:10
which programe i can use to installed this skin or them
Date:10.07.2007 Name: Rate:10
just open them with altdesk reem
Dmitry Prosvirnin, would you please make a wallpaper of the image iniside the boxes of all resolutions? at least 1600x1200 1280x1024 1024x760 800x600 they are going to be .. beautiful!!
thanks alot for the skin.. :)
Date:11.22.2010 Name:Denise Rate:10
This fits in perfect with my desktop, anything pink or blood red, ty, it's adorable! :)