A really cool skin, tiny, no wasted space, exactly what I'm loonking for.
Date:12.14.2003 Name: Rate:9
A really cool skin, tiny, no wasted space, exactly what I'm loonking for.
Date:04.28.2004 Name: Rate:10
Awesome, Perfect, Period.
Date:08.29.2004 Name: Rate:
how do i install this Skin: XP Wave on my pc
Date:10.13.2004 Name: Rate:10
Perfect! I've been getting annoyed w/ AltDesk 'cuz it always seems to be in the way of other windows. This really helps.
Date:10.30.2006 Name:Draco18s Rate:10
Almost exactly what I'm looking for. Small, goes with my Windows theme, perfect. Only thing I'd want to change is the curved corner being on the top instead of the bottom so it more closely integrates with my task bar in the lower right corner of my screen (I've currently gone in and just flipped each portion of the bitmaps, the highlights being off is a little less annoying than a weird corner). If you flipped it so the highlights were correct I'd download and use it in a heartbeat.