Description: AstAmp Vista 2007 upgrade. Thanks to krstatzar for permission to post this skin. All the used stuff was taken from his "Aston Vista 2007" Theme. I've just added sliders to main window.
Description: DeskClock 2.0 skin pack by Rogert Gomez Ocano -------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not a designer. If you design some Aston Theme with DesktopClock or make any DesktopClock Skin, please sendme one copy to my email: Name: Rogert Gomez Ocano address: jorgemart [AT]
Description: Astamp skin for Vista theme. Pretty simple really. Unpack the content wherever, enable the astamp plugin and load settings from included apc file or just double click it.
Description: Silly me, but I started building a theme around the Amp, but got a bit bogged down. This sits well with the Brood theme ~ in fact I prefer it to the old version ~ but if my current output is anything to go by, the second release is going to arrive in dribs & drabs. Nice thing about this one is it works with other wallpapers. Hey! it's yours, enjoy it or junk it:-)