Description: Retro theme for those who seek old good times. Restrained colors and moderate effects at your service.
User comments
Date:05.21.2010 Name:forzalia Rate:10
magnigique theme j adore comme d habitude merci beaucoup pour le superbe travail que vous faites
Date:05.25.2010 Name:Requiem Rate:1
awful theme =(
Date:05.29.2010 Name:kirby Rate:2
Date:06.02.2010 Name:dbear Rate:10
Oh yeah, I like this theme. The browns are very soothing and the effects are cool but not distracting. The Start Menu is really nice. But the wallpaper is just priceless!
Date:08.07.2010 Name:Astro Rate:1
After applying theme, I can't get rid of it.. because I can't right click on anything.. / Task bar icons... grr.. irritating indeed!
Date:08.13.2010 Name:helenistic Rate:
Astro, it seems to be not our official site you downloaded Aston from. Resembles a cracked version with such typical bugs.
Date:12.05.2010 Name:nawal Rate:
Date:02.17.2017 Name: Rate:1
Date:02.19.2018 Name:ansari junaid Rate:
metro thems download to hogaya show nahi kar raha he