VERY stylish theme: deep ruby color, elegant silver edges, amazing imaginative design with transparent figures and lovely icons animation.
Overall harmonious, beautiful and peacifiyng theme in spite of its color gamma. (Looks great scaled-up!)
User comments
Date:06.21.2009 Name:dbear Rate:10
The description says VERY stylish and it's absolutely correct. I stayed away from this one because the screen shot looked too red - but I was surprised when I put it on my computer. It's like having very expensive, highly polished wood trimmings on your computer. This theme is a MUST HAVE!
Date:07.01.2009 Name: Rate:10
Very nice! Any idea of sidebar notepad add-in will run on this theme (i loved using it from Aston 1.x, it just unhid itself when ever you needed to type a note on it then swoosh! gone). Also, I have two monitors, but I can never get the task bar to show up on the other monitor, I use Ultramon and even its smart taskbar doesn't show up??? help
Date:08.15.2009 Name:pirksh Rate:
iam so thank ful to y and speical than ful to u for free trails take care
Date:01.07.2010 Name:jigsaw Rate:9
more themes!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date:07.06.2010 Name:jujdred Rate:10
I love copper/gold and red/black themes. This one really rocks. thanks