Description: So... been working on this for a while. Made for bokonon at the Aston forums. Special thanks to: Lidrec, Kess, Veratil, krstatzar, BillW50, nerio, mikeblue, and mrbiotech for all the help and support.
There are a few things I should mention about this theme. First of all, around each planet, there is an animated icon, you can make it open any program or whatever. There is one issue with the icon for Saturn. There is a width limit on animated icons, so only 3/4ths of the icon show up. However, if you think it looks like poo you can change it to either be always showing, or never showing. (right click and go to element properties)
Resolution is 1280x1024. I will make a 1024x768 version as soon as I get the energy.
Also, thanks to unknown author of wallpaper.
User comments
Date:01.16.2008 Name:bokonon Rate:10
Haxer...I don't know what to say. You have outdone yourself. This theme is so clean, and simple...yet dynamic. Bravo my friend...bravo I can't thank you enough.
Date:01.16.2008 Name:krstatzar Rate:10
Hey it was worth waiting :)
Date:01.16.2008 Name: Rate:
@bokonon: You are welcome, and maybe after a brief respite I can work on an atom theme. And thank you for the praise. :)
@krstatzar: Thank you too.
Date:01.18.2008 Name:spaceman Rate:10
I am in space business - so this theme is just what I was waiting for to decorate my desktop! Nice work - 10 points!
@ JAIN: everyone has certainly the right to come foreward with his free opinion - however, what you are doing obviously seems like a destructice act: you are downrating this theme without even giving a justification! It's neiter fair against the author nor polite against the other users of this website! I stumbled over this theme because of its good rating which you pushed from 10 to 7! Shame on you!
Date:01.18.2008 Name:HEAVY Rate:
Date:01.18.2008 Name: Rate:
Thanks spaceman!
(Even though the Aston guys removed Jani's post I know what you were talking about and I have been thinking that about soooo many skinners's themes. Thanks for the support. It is nice that the Aston folks behind the scenes try to regulate this phenomenon as much as possible.)
Date:01.19.2008 Name:as Rate:
Date:01.20.2008 Name:bibo Rate:
very goooooood>>>thanks
Date:01.24.2008 Name:abcd Rate:10
Date:01.31.2008 Name:Veratil Rate:
Holy crap you finished it. Good job!
Date:02.01.2008 Name: Rate:
Thanks Veratil :)
Date:02.12.2008 Name:papa Rate:
i need to do and downlond some
Date:04.03.2008 Name:megan Rate:5
this themes is stupid. "Solar Aston" just call it space you suck man big time!! >:P